In this research, based on the Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD), specifically, in the Three-Dimensional Model, by the English linguist Norman Fairclough (2010, 2016), a study of the media discourse was made on a case of a 16 year old teenager, published in the webjournalism, in the year 2016. The corpus is made up of 15 (fifteen) news articles published on the websites of great access in the country, as well as news portals of international correspondents, such as BBC of London and the ElPaís, of Spain. The objective is to analyze the discourse about an event of sexual violence against a girl, occurred in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the discursive constitution based on the voices present and absent in the texts, verifying the relations of power in ideological strategies, as a way of blaming the victim. The analysis of the texts was based on the conception that the lexical choice process present in the webjournalism discourses, associated to Thompson's (1995) conceptions of ideology; of Symbolic Power of Pierre Bourdieu (1989), present ideological perspectives. The results point to a discursive construction in which the theme of violence against women is still approached in an antagonistic way, in which aspects that legitimize violence against women take the focus of the discussion.