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dc.creatorOliveira, Sara Maria Ferreira de
dc.identifier.citationOLIVEIRA, Sara Maria Ferreira de. Enunciação e gramática : um estudo do tempo na concordância verbal . 2018. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-reitoria Acadêmica. Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem, 2018.por
dc.description.abstractIn this research, we discuss the time in the use of verbal agreement, based on the discussions dealt with in Émile Benveniste's Theory of Enunciation. Considering that subjectivity is marked by the passage from speaker to subject and that subjectivity in language, in turn, is marked by personal interpretations and expressions, we investigate the time in verbal agreement in written productions of students of Youth and Adult Education - EJA, based on the Benveniste Theory, from the time and subjectivity marks in language, in relation to the other and to language in discourse. The definition of the research topic was based on the questioning of how subjectivity in language is implied in the use of verbal tense in written productions in the Portuguese language and of the hypothesis that subjectivity in language is marked in the way verbs and agreement verbal are used by the students who composed the base group of this research. The methodology used for the development of this work was the qualitative field research of the case study type, using as an instrument the analysis of the written productions of the textual genre personal letter of 25 subjects, regularly enrolled in the Teaching Modality of Young and Adult Education , level IV. Of these 25 productions, we selected those from 04 students, who formed the target group for our studies. To do so, we applied a pilot activity, with the production of two personal letters, one for the teacher and another for a classmate. Among them, we selected the 04 that presented a possible relationship of time with verbal agreement, to compose the corpus of our research. Data were collected at a public school in the city of Olinda, State of Pernambuco. We emphasize the discourse production process of the students of Youth and Adult Education and we observe that in their interlocutory experience with other people and with the world in different environments they present ambiguities from the point of view of normative grammar in the use of time in verbal agreement, which does not constitute a disqualification for the rule of normative grammar, but points to an observance of subjective marks in language, when these students use the written language in a peculiar way recognizing themselves as subjects of their utterance.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectGramática comparada e geral - Tempo verbalpor
dc.subjectEnunciação, Teoria dapor
dc.subjectComparative and general grammar - Verbal tenseeng
dc.subjectEnunciation, Theory ofeng
dc.titleEnunciação e gramática: um estudo do tempo na concordância verbal.por

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