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dc.creatorAzevêdo, Ana Paula da Silva
dc.identifier.citationAZEVEDO, Ana Paula da Silva. A urbanização como estratégia do biopoder e a resistência dos movimentos sociais urbanos: entre Movimento #Ocupe Estelita e novos Recifes . 196 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-reitoria Acadêmica. Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Direito, 2017.por
dc.description.abstractThe research presents the issue of the city as a cross-cutting theme, making a dialogue between disciplines like Law, Political Geography, Urbanism, Sociology and Philosophy, based on the case study involving the emergence of the #Ocupe Estelita Movement in Recife and its performance near the Jose Estelita Pier in dispute against the New Recife Project. The work was structured around the questioning about the possibility that the performance of localized social movements can be configured as a counter-hegemonic force in the process of capitalist urbanization. The development of the work is justified by the relevance of the movement in the Pernambuco scenario and the impact of the Novo Recife project on the urbanization process of downtown city, as well as the contribution of the movement, based on its experience and practice, to guide other collectivities in themes related to the right to the city. The research was structured in three chapters. The first one has the specific objective of analyzing the emergence and performance of the #OcupeEstelita Movement in Recife/PE and the new territorial dynamics involving Recife, in the areas between the Pina Basin and the center of Recife. The movement receives the quality of protagonist of the research focused on its social practice. The second chapter has as specific objective the discussion on the categories of territory and biopower used in the work, as well as the relation between governmentality in terms of discipline and security mechanisms, from a Foucaultian perspective of power. In the last chapter, it is proposed to analyze the relationship between territory and territoriality from the perspective of capitalist urbanization, considering the phenomenon of city fetishization and gentrification, and the relevance of the performance of urban socio-territorial movements in resistance practices. As results obtained, we have urbanism as a strategy of biopower, in the sovereign-population-city relationship, and the emancipatory perspective of collective resistance in the formulation of alternative city projects.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESpor
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectDireito de propriedadepor
dc.subjectPosse da terrapor
dc.subjectMovimentos Sociaispor
dc.subjectPlanejamento urbanopor
dc.subjectProperty righteng
dc.subjectPossession of landeng
dc.subjectSocial movementseng
dc.subjectUrban planningfra
dc.titleA urbanização como estratégia do biopoder e a resistência dos movimentos sociais urbanos: entre Movimento #Ocupe Estelita e novos Recifes.por

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