The present work aims to analyze how in Karl Rahner the natural-supernatural
problematic is approached. For this, it starts from an analysis of the problematic in the
History of Theology, from the Middle Ages, when an issue is put explicitly, until a
Contemporary Age, when a problematic resurface of the publications of De Lubac.
Rahner assumes a problematic as a central theme in his theological elaborations.
Concepts such as "rest" (referring to pure nature), "supernatural existential", "selfcommunication",
among others, are Rahnerian concepts formulated without context of
the natural-supernatural problematic. Thus, a study of this problematic in Rahner allows
an overview of the author's reference work. What is the question of the relation man-
God, natural-supernatural, profane history-history of salvation, etc. By Rahner served as
a contribution to a theology of liberation in its elaborations, which are made from
overcoming the dualism between salvation History.