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dc.creatorMonteiro, Rayanne Alves
dc.identifier.citationMonteiro, Rayanne Alves. Famílias simultâneas: a busca pelo seu reconhecimento como entidade familiar à luz da proteção constitucional da família eudemonista. 2017. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife .por
dc.description.abstractThe movement of personalization of Lawand the conception that every legal norm of the Brazilian legal system must inexorably follow the precepts relating to fundamental rights, embodied in the Federal Constitution of 1988, initiates the conception of Civil-constitutional Law and, consequently, changes the paradigm of family relationshipsand the scope of the guardianship by the State. The affectivity becomes the foundation of the family law. The new constitutional order establishes to the category of fundamental right,the special protection of the family by the State, accepting the porosity of an open and plural system in the constitution of the family entities.Given this new scenario,it is also understood that the theory of the efficiency of the fundamental rights is applied in the relations between private individuals. In face of these constitutional transformations, it is now understood that the relations marked by ostensibility, affectivity, stability and subjective good faith are considered families, therefore must be protected by the juridical order, irrespective of the form it takes. The open concept of family results in new pretensions, in which people are seeking the recognition of the simultaneous families. The discussion regarding the possibility of their recognition revolves around the multiplicity of the affective-sexual relationships. The initial step concerning the mentioned recognition is the affirmation that monogamy is a principle that has been slackened with the plural conception of the contemporary family.The Family, as a place of promotion of individuals, cannot suffer great restrictions by the State, which may only intervene to guarantee the dignity of its members, according to the principle of minimum intervention of the state. In face of legislative omission by the State, in recognizing the existence of the simultaneous family as a family arrangement compatible with the constitutional protection, it is up to the Legal State , by means of the application of the theory of efficiency of the fundamental rights in the private relationships, to compensate for the legislative omission, guaranteeing the recognition of the effects of personal and patrimonial nature of the simultaneous families as a way of reaching the purpose of conception of the eudemonist constitutional family, which is the quest for happiness and guarantee of dignity of the individuals who compose it .eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectFundamental rightseng
dc.subjectPrivate relationshipseng
dc.subjectEudemonist Familyeng
dc.subjectConstitutional pluralismeng
dc.subjectSimultaneous familieseng
dc.subjectThe responsibility to protect theoryeng
dc.subjectDireitos fundamentaispor
dc.subjectRelações privadaspor
dc.subjectFamília eudemonistapor
dc.subjectPluralidade constitucionalpor
dc.subjectFamílias simultâneaspor
dc.subjectTeoria dos deveres de proteçãopor
dc.titleFamílias simultâneas: a busca pelo seu reconhecimento como entidade familiar à luz da proteção constitucional da família eudemonistapor

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