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dc.creatorOliveira, Sarah Barbosa de
dc.identifier.citationOliveira, Sarah Barbosa de. A experiência de supervisores de estágio em psicologia clínica em serviço-escola: uma compreensão fenomenológica existencial. 2017. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife.por
dc.description.abstractThis study is based on the concerns experienced by the author as a trainee in Clinical Psychology, due to the questions about the supervised internship operation in Clinical Psychology carried out in school services of Higher Education Institutions. It was aimed to understand the supervisors experience of internship in Clinical Psychology conducted in school services, from the existential phenomenological perspective from Martin Heidegger´s point of view. In order to do so, the school service was problematized as a place for academic education, extension and research, to discuss the practice of supervision as constitutive of the clinical training of the psychologist and to reflect on the supervisors' understanding in Clinical Psychology about their supervisory experiences. The nature of this research is qualitative and the approximation and interpretation of the experiences, inspired by the analytical sense developed by Dulce Critelli. The data collection was made by narrative interview, and this narrative was understood by Walter Benjamin´s perspective. The individual interviews were done with three Clinical Psychology internship supervisors who work in school services from a public institution and also private one. The interviews started with the trigger question: How is being your experience of supervising the internship in Clinical Psychology in school service? Another tool used was the Logbook which helped to register the researcher's experience and to build the final narrative. As a result of the entanglement between the existential phenomenological perspective, the researcher´s narrative and the interviewed participants, this work is called "Samba". To the composers are given fictitious names as musical notes. Each note presents the plurality and singularity aspects shown on the reports. In the research, it can be found the following main topics: From the first sounds through strumming the strings, About the importance given by the interviewers to the supervision experience, Relation between theory and practice, Institutional interference in the supervision practice, Individual supervision x group supervision, Amount of time spent in Clinical Psychology internship, Objectives of the Clinical Psychology internship in regarding to the school service, The optics about the bond with the students. From those topics the approach and distance of each note are discussed. The analyses take into consideration the thoughts concerned with each supervisor deals with his/her own experience, as well as the usage of the technical and theory, the chronological order and the lived time, the institutional crossings and the care that the supervisor and the trainee are taken as responsible for themselves. It can been taken into consideration that the supervision is worried about a lot of different elements, such as: theoretical line, supervisor background education and also the Higher Education Institutions determination. Those elements helped the supervisors to show a different way of caring. From this point forward, it was realized the lack of an ideal model of supervision. And there is no connection between the meaning of the internship place terminology and the supervisors practice. It was observed, the importance of studies that point to subsidies that transpose only the written functions linked to the nomenclature of this field but also that really helps to implement the proposed aims to this place. This study emphasized the supervisor, in order to raise the perspective of whom is directly involved with the future workers education, with the objective of opening gaps to discuss and reflect about the academic education, extension and research.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES#por
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectExistential Phenomenological Psychologyeng
dc.subjectPsicologia Clínica.por
dc.subjectSchool servicespor
dc.subjectClinical psychologypor
dc.titleA experiência de supervisores de estágio em psicologia clínica em serviço-escola: uma compreensão fenomenológica existencialpor

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