dc.description.abstract | Biosurfactants are tensioactive compounds produced by bacteria, yeasts and filamentous
fungi, which have come in the molecule a hydrophobic and other hydrophilic portion, with
potential to reduce water surface tension and liquid emulsion with two phases, called
Bioemulsifiers. The bioemulsifiers presented potential of application in several industrial
areas such as: food, agricultural, pharmaceutical and petrochemical, their characteristics of
biodegradability, non-toxic and possibility of production from renewable substrates. In this
sense, studies carried out with Bacillus subtilis UCP 0146, investigating a bioemulsifier
production, using as substrate the agroindustrial effluent (manipueira). Cultivation was
carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 75 mL (100%) of the production medium
(manimetry) according to the 23 factorial scale, with 5% inoculum at a concentration of 108
cells / mL, incubated at 30ºC under agitation of 150 rpm for 72h, being evaluated the
bioemulsifier produced in the cell free metabolic liquid, the emulsification inde (IE24). As the
good, the size of the emulsion droplets, stability to pH, NaCl and temperature. The results
showed that the emulsifier had a 95.2% emulsification index with the engine burned oil in the
best planning condition, showing a stable emulsion formation at all temperatures and a better
response at the temperature of 70ºC (96.0%). Regarding pH was observed in assay 2, an
(IE24) of 91.6% relative to salinity or assay 4 represented 92.0%. In addition, no dispersion
test showed displacement of 85.3 cm of the oil and the discoloration of methylene blue in
aqueous solution, obtained the result of 62.2% removal. The Bacillus subtilis demonstrated
the ability to produce bioemulsifiers using a metabolic conversion of the agroindustrial
residue, making the bioprocessing economical and great potential in the biotechnological
application. | eng |