One of the major characteristics of the brazilian religious matrix is religious sincretism. This is a result of the process of conflict and interaction of indigenous, European and African cultural currents. Afro-catholic syncretism, lived by thousands of brasilians, is one of the more valuable and complex variations of this process, “Afro-catholic syncretism: between Oxun and Our Lady of Carmo”, the subject of this dissertation, focuses its research on the city of Goiana, Pernambuco. Beginning with the contribution of afro-catholic syncretism based on the theory of archetypes of C. G. Jung as presented by Pedro Iwashita, this study seeks to understand the sincretic experience of the some of the devotees of the orixá Oxun and Our Lady of Carmo. The results of this dissertation contribute to the comprehension, in an interdisciplinary manner, of the phenomena of afro-catholic syncretism.