The present work is the result of the analysis of some mathematical problems of didactic books, and has as objective identify the causes of the interpretation difficulty and intelection of the mathematical problems for the pupils who are initiating the reading, in first years of basic school. Our hypothesis is linguistic factors into the statments of the mathematical problems intervenes in the understanding, as the joint between the phenomon of the language and the construction of this text type. So we study, the enunciative mechanisms and textmake. The methodology of this study consists in the analysis of the text, based in studies of text linguistics, in the level semantic-pragmatic-lexicon in the text construction, in view of complexity of the statements of the mathematical problems. We believe that the text strategies, referencing categories (endofórica, anafórica, catafórica and exofórica) and the
dêiticos (time, place and person), they are linguistic factors, in the construction of statement, they make difficult the understanding of the mathematical problems, over all, for the educating that are initiating reading, and show in this period special difficulties with space and secular relations. The research understood, basically, two basic moments: the choice of the mathematical problems, and the analysis of the informations. First, we search a methodological instrument to identify and select, through the corpus, mathematical problems, whose statement construction will be able to induce the educating to the error in resolution of the problem. We select text fragments, randomly, as the nature of the text surface, searching some linguistic factors that interven in the interpretation and understanding of the mathematical problems, without special about the amount of analyzed problems. Lately, we have analysed the research, buy the social-culture aspects whose the educating is inserted.
We meant to reflect about the didatical book, that will be easier to the educating understand the statements of the mathematical problems of the first years of basic school