This study aims to investigate the operation of the discourse on homosexuality, since its constitution to its way to mean in different production conditions. Based on the perspective of French Discourse Analysis, came to us theoretical and methodological conceptions of their articulating, Michael Pêcheux. The corpus on which we commented our interpretive gestures is the American movie "Prayers for Bobby", which deals with homosexuality in adolescence in the context of a traditional religious family. Therefore, it's not in our interest to generalize the customs and family structure presented in the plot. Having defined the corpus of our work, some cuts were made that generated the discursive sequences subsequently analyzed from our theoretical and analytical look. For that, we based on the theoretical and analytical conceptions of Pêcheux (1969, 1975, 1983, 2004, 2010), Courtine (2006, 2009, 2010), Indursky (2011, 2013), Orlandi (1999, 2009, 2012, 2013), Baronas (2011), Mussalim (2011) and others. So, our study is divided into two parts: the first refered to the theory chapter, which gives the basis to the investigation proposed and, the second, compounded by subitems that correlate and provide to proceed with our analytical gestures. In short, our concern in this research is primarily about the production conditions of discourse present in the plot, passing also by sliding conceptions of meaning, ideological formations, discursive formations, discursive memory, interdiscourse and subject-position, and how each subject means, being crossed by ideology. We conclude, albeit tentatively, given the incompleteness of the subject and the discourse that the interdiscourse on homosexuality is crystallized in society from an early age and that are the Discursive Formations (FD) dominant that make homophobic discourses about homosexual spread, generating in the analyzed corpus the silencing of the homosexual subject.