This research becomes relevant the following question: Is there a relationship between the nursery rhymes and child speak? This question arose from the fact that the sonority mark strongly
found in children's poems by Cecilia Meireles, would not be an approach point with the speech of the child so sensitive to sound at a time of their linguistic journey. Trying to develop this discussion, we aimed to: investigate / analyze the nursery rhymes of Cecilia Meireles highlighting its relationship to children's poetry. In the specific objectives, we emphasized, in this regard, the estrangement effect, parallelistic structures and as already mentioned, the sound, represented here by the alliteration and assonance (sound pictures) visible in all analyzed poems. To this end, our research assumes theoretical principles of structuralist linguistics in its French aspect with regard to studies of Saussure and Jakobson and in the field of Language Acquisition studied by Interacionism defended by Claudia Lemos. From a methodological point of view, the corpus of this work brings in particular the work Ou isto ou aquilo from the poet already mentioned, where we cut nine poems to analyze. It was also open a space to justify the entry of children's speech fragments to illustrate
the attempt to empirically proposed discussion, exemplified by excerpts from poems analyzed in this study and children's lines of fragments taken from the literature on linguistic trajectory of the
child ( language acquisition). The expected results from this research is that it can bring subsidies to develop other studies with respect to this relationship in the field of language acquisition.