Many have been researchers who have ventured into research and publications around the acquisition
of oral and written language, motivated by different objectives. The focus of this research is focused in
Sonia Borges (2006a, 2006b, 2010), who have brought contributions to the field of acquisition of
written language, based on the interactionist theory of Claudia de Lemos (2002) that relies on the
structuralism of Saussure and Jakobson reframed the lacaniana approach. Theses authors put in
discussion the cognitive psychological assumptions the acquisition of oral and written language by
which the child elaborates hypotheses about language and will fallow gradually toward speech and
writing cumulatively; it is a psychological subject-epistemic subject centered consciousness. On the
other hand, interactionist theory, here assumed, will cover the subject of the unconscious subject of
psychoanalysis. Therefore, it is intened as a general goal, analyze errors, considered as masks the
subjectivity in textual productions of elementary students II (6th to 9th grade), according to the proposal
of Sonia Borges, performing a class with cognitive-constructivist approach of Emilia Ferreiro. To
empirically substantiate our search, analyze some writings of students from 6th to 9th grade, the local
public school, José Canuto, the city of Barreiros Pernambuco productions, highlinghting, in the analysis, the proposed showdawn. Thus, our inquiry assumes seek to better understand the emergence of errors in textual productions, considering the treatment by cognitive psychological theory and the place occupied by structuralist theory we assume as a reference point for this search. We intend, therefore, that there are discussions on the subject, to the extent that we believe that only through worries, you can be aware, going in the direction, not the answers, but the questions that make us uneasy.