The paper brings the results of an investigation on educational and methodological activities about the scope of text and context as presented in the pedagogical work of Philosophy with children in developing reading and writing skills. In order to reenforce the principle that
reading and writing are closely related to practical everyday child experiences which contributes to the construction of meaning with emphasis on the linguistic, pedagogical and philosophical aspects in the classroom. The theoretical and methodological basis are anchored
on the thought of Bakthin (2003, 1994), Koch (2003, 2004, 2008, 2009), Marcuschi (1998, 2007, 2008), Vygotsky (2007), Lipman (1990), Kohan (1998, 2008), and Wonsovicz (2005). The paper discusses and recognizes the grounding of the textual linguistics and legitimates the
concept of a critical and autonomous child with a teaching practice emphasizing child awareness and consciousness in his/her exercise of citizenship, focusing primarily on
improving the quality of life and education. The research process, characterized with qualitative/quantitative and exploratory feature of the case study type made use of several activities based on observation, semi-structured interviews, classroom observation. The analysis of didactic sequences in Philosophy classes and productions of the children is carried out. The research took place in a private elementary school with two groups of 1st and 5th
grades. The data analysis was endorsed by the recognition of human specificity in the didactic and pedagogic conception of Freire (1988, 1995, 1996), Zabala (1998) and Veiga (2006) for the understanding of child/man, education/school and language/world that we are helping to
build. It was concluded that the work developed in Philosophy classes is a that of a didactic and methodological bias based on textual genres favoring the meaning and significance in encouraging the practice of reading and writing, based on a reflective process on Education for thinking