The Aphasic presents alteration in the language in all its aspects. It is a task of the speech-language pathologist to act in the rehabilitation and improvement of
this pathology, bringing to the clinic activities that make possible the communication and, consequently, the social re-insertion of this citizen. However, currently, during this process of rescue of the language, the main
goal to achieve is the reestablishment of the orality, without, in many times, taking in consideration the writing. Through this study, it is intended, through the
exploration of the written modality, to provide a better recovering of the orality, being able to reach a more effective recovery of the language as a whole piece.
The research was realized with base on the analysis of the written production of an aphasic citizen with difficulties expressive, inserted in a Group of Acquaintance for carriers of Aphasia at the Universidade Católica de
Pernambuco. The analysis of twenty meetings of the Group was carried through, considering his writing productions and initiatives to communicate, with focus in the marks of orality in its writing, highlighting the speech and writing
relation as a fundamental point for the reconstruction of the language. The analysis of the data was based on the studies on speech and writing, thru Marcuschi (1995) perception, pointing out the relation between these two
modalities of the language for the therapeutical activity of this pathology, promoting strategies so that this citizen can make himself be understood, and
come back, thus, to the social conviviality. The results gotten in the present work, points to the confirmation of the narrow existing relation between speech
and writing in the process of rescue of the language of a aphasic person. The observed characteristics of the orality in the writing of the aphasic person diverges, in part, from those that are possible to be found in the writing of a
citizen that was not attacked by this pathology. Marks of the orality in the writing of the aphasic person with difficulties expressive are distinguished; however;
they are marks and characteristic indications of the oral language of the aphasic person. It is expected that the speech therapists can identify the advantages of
working from the social interactionist perspective, making good use of all resources used by the aphasic patient for the reestablishment of his language. The relevance of the related study is in identifying characteristic and offering
strategies to overcome the difficulties faced by this citizen