This study it deals with the Analysis of the Speech of the life history of a girl in the street that if became street woman. Through an analysis of the statements it was tried to understand the subjective dimension of the life experience and the directions of silence. This is part of one politics of silencing and social exclusion, having as protagonists a girl and its familiar ones. Of this form, an agreement of an
itinerary was looked that if it initiated with phenomena related to the gamma of the domestic violence, finding the victim in the street a protective pseudo-space. As method, it had an analysis of the respective history of life of an adolescent who
frequents a situated not-governmental organization in the city of Victory of Santo Antão (PE), responsible for the care with this population. The present study if it characterized in a contribution of Sciences of the Language to the phenomenon,
has seen that the product of the articulation and the necessary silencing to be studied in its linguistic and psicossocial dynamics, so that if it can construct to
necessary instruments to the best performance and prevention of the problem.