dc.description.abstract | The analysis of the criminalization of school bullying in the Brazilian criminal legal system gains strength when the emergence of the Draft Penal Code of 2012, which now provides in Art. 148 the crime of insulting intimidation, which is the name given to bullying in Brazil. Ie,
school bullying is not a crime in our criminal law, however, there is the possibility of one day come to be criminalized. Faced with this possibility, there is the chance to be reckoned with in this dissertation in the sense that school bullying is an eminently related to the field of
education problem, then the criminal law would not be the most appropriate branch of law to solve this problem. To examine this hypothesis, it will be initially addressed the use of criminal policies of punitive expansion as a form of social control of the margins of society
through the systematic use of prison, given that the criminalization of new pipelines has relation with the adoption of policies criminal for this purpose. Within this context, they will look at some causes that justify criminal policies of punitive expansion and can also serve to
justify the possible criminalization of school bullying , such as the inclusion of " fear " in the emotional tone of crime policy , the victim's return it to the center crimina politics and populism and the politicization of criminal law . Then , still within the context of the use of criminal policies of punitive expansion as a means of social control , will be analyzed other issues that are related to this issue , namely , the symbolic criminal law and criminal policy of zero tolerance , since this speech can also be used to justify the possible criminalization of
school bullying. Further, the issue of school bullying will be addressed as a social problem related to the field of education and their (contradictory) proposed criminalization. To this end, it will be seen bullying phenomenon as a form of violence in schools, which covered the first studies of school bullying and the factors that can unleash it. Soon after, it will view the possibility of criminalization of school bullying and its relation to the criminal policy of punitive expansion. Finally, it will be seen the speech that opposes the criminal policies of punitive expansion, highlighting the delegitimization of the criminal justice system and its limited operation, approaching the selectivity of the criminal justice system and the marginalizing and stigmatizing effects of the prison system are shown the theoretical platform of critical criminology. They will also be considered alternatives to criminal political delegitimization of the penal system (the abolicionismos and minimalism), at which time can be made closing
remarks to address the hypothesis of this dissertation. | eng |