In recent years sustainability reporting has become the norm in the business environment. This new way the companies are implementing to interact with its surroundings is not only a phenomenon affecting the biggest companies on the planet, it is also being implemented by many countries in the world with regards to small and medium sized companies as part of their business
requirements. The relationship between business gains and social responsibility is becoming more than a trend (Geraghty).
Companies have always implemented chang es whenever the cost/benefit relation is in their favour. At present time, it is becoming obvious that now is the time to start implementing these
actions. As mentioned by sustainability organizations, “companies committed to sustainability outperformed industry averages by 15%” ( As mentioned before in our discussions,
measuring sustainability might not be really possible. But measuring the benefits obtained by the companies that follow the standards is.
So far this draft is the beginning of an executive summary. As mentioned in some of my readings (Bygrave), this kind of documents should not be larger than 2 pages. For this reason, in the future
this summary may need to be edited to keep the length of the document as close as possible to that limit.
In conclusion, this is a work in progress that will help us define a strategy in the creation of a new company. It has been learned that a crucial part for any business, whether it is a start-up or an
already established one, is to understand the importance of being perceived as an element in the surroundings that promotes wellbeing and protects society.