Formação contínua e reflexão docente: uma combinação potente para a promoção álter/ego
The dissertation aimed to identify, in the continuous training offered in the internal spaces of the Antônio Vieira College, what aspects mobilize the reflective senses of fundamental I teachers, from the implementation of the Common Educational Project (PEC), in 2016. The qualitative methodology was used, using the questionnaire using the Likert scale applied to elementary school teachers and structured interviews with the organizing managers of the formative events. Authors who dialogue with the critical-reflexive perspective contributed, as well as some documents of the Antônio Vieira College and the Jesuit Education Network, such as the Pedagogical Political Project, the Memory of our formative roaming, the Common Educational Project, the Document of The Inatian Pedagogy and the Education Characteristics of the Society of Jesus. The meanings of education and the concept of learning itself were discussed, highlighting the profile of the reflective educator about the human condition in the movement of alteration and otherness, the alter/ego. The dis-teacher or trainer gained centrality by expressing "his voice" when he/she has a relationship with his or her own training. The co-responsibility of the pedagogical coordinator in the formative continuity in approximation of theory with practice was also relevant. The Inatian Pedagogy was present when in dialogue with the reflective action of the teacher by integrating its values and its pillars into the teaching-learning process, committing the subject in an integral way from the body, mind and heart, in a constant reflection-action on the experience. As a result, aspects appeared about valuing the teacher's voice as a differential element for teacher alteration, motivating them to research and intervene differently about their performance; human subjectivity as a powerful content for collaborative learning recognizing that experiences promote engagement; the formative continuity that gives fluidity and constancy in the alter/ego movement in the face of theory and practice dialogue; the co-responsibility of the coordinator pedagogical in training enabling interventions in this daily doing in dialogue with theory and; the meanings and meanings of training for the teacher. The implication of the teacher as a desire for change was a point of perception, however, although the respondents recognized the existence of this alter/ego, they did not seem sensitive to examples illustrating this action. These aspects were compiled into two named categories: the valorization of the teaching voice and the collaborative and reflective senses in the formation: the alter/ego relationship and, formative intentionality and the "spirit" of teacher restlessness. It is significant to record the college's commitment to teacher education, which understands it as an indispensable path for educational qualification and, for innovation, by favoring teacher displacement, that is, the alter/ego sense. At the conclusion of the investigative action, it was observed the need to broaden the formative perspective in order to rely more deeply on the teaching voice, which made it possible to propose as intervention the organization of a group of studies and research aiming at the intensification of the formative continuity within the internal spaces of the CAV, when mobilizing the movement of alteration and otherness from the teaching voice.Rede Jesuíta de Educação/Colégio Antônio Vieira