Biblioteca viva: uma metodologia inventiva no âmbito da plataforma de interação ecológica Inven!RA
Living Library is a concept that invites human entities to transform themselves into living books, socializing the knowledge and experiences that make up the collective memory of their dwelling, constituting an important space for cataloging and sharing this memory that cannot be contained in books or works of art. The concept, originally created in 2000, was revisited in 2016 by Grupo Internacional de Pesquisa Educação Digital (GPe-dU) and leveraged in the creation of the mobile pervasive ubiquitous extended reality game Ágora do Saber, developedmin the city of Bento Gonçalves, RS. Since then, the GPe-dU has been working on the concept as an inventive methodology in order to enable the construction and socialization of Living Libraries in a digital environment. The lessons learned from the creation of the Bento Gonçalves Living Library, in which the researcher participated as a scientific initiation fellow, associated with the development of digitality and connectivity, which makes it possible to connect people, places, territories, things and biodiversity, that is, everything that exists in the biosphere, contributes to the emergence of the research problem: how can a technology, linked to a digital platform, facilitate the co-creation of a Living Library? The general objective of the research is to develop a technology that promotes the co-creation of Living Libraries in the context of the Inven!RA digital platform, to understand how it can contribute to the cataloging and socialization of collective memory. The research has a qualitative nature and seeks inspiration from the Cartographic Research-Intervention Method as a way of producing and analyzing data. The research contributes to the extension of the Living Library concept, including living books, as everything that produces memory, whether human or not. Re-signifying memories, knowledge and customs as records within a digital environment, favoring the co-creation and socialization of new Living Libraries and the archeology of collective memory produced during dwelling in different networks. Finally, among the results produced, we can highlight the production of a digital technology built from tracks mapped throughout the research, which makes possible the cataloging and socialization of the collective memory produced by the reticular inhabiting of human and non-humans entities; an approximation of the Cartographic Research-Intervention Method with the Scrum Agile Development Methodology; a new interpretation for the concept of Living Library, which opens up not only human entities, but all non-humans who are present in our reticular and atopic dwelling.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior