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dc.contributor.advisorCastillo, Sofía Isabel Vizcarra
dc.contributor.authorBordas, Hugo Raymundo
dc.description.abstractIn the Brazilian academy of International Relations, few studies address the Nagorno Karabakh issue. Existing studies are coined by positivism and do not cover identity issues, which are paramount to the understanding of conflict. In order to include the concept of identity, this study was coined as interpretative research using the constructivist perspective while focusing on the relationship between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. Taking these factors into account, the main objective of this research was established: to understand how Pan-Turkism influences the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In order to achieve this, three specific objectives were established: (1) to explore the ideology of Pan-Turkism by the role of ethno-identity issues; (2) to understand the role of the other in the concept of identity; and (3) to observe the necessary conditions for the development of an ethnic conflict. The first objective yielded the following results: Pan-Turkism is born of irredentism, through Turkic nationalisms molded under ethnic precepts, and develops influencing identities. Connecting with identity issues, the findings of the second objective are centered on the fact that there is no creation of an identity without the conception of the other, which automatically differs societies. Finally, the third objective proves the importance of an ethno-identity analysis for the region, since emotional and ideological motivations, resulting from and prejudice, evoked violence between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. In relation to the main objective, it was found that the Pan-Turkic movement and its theory are present in the region in a way that appears to be subjective, but that considerably influences the local political-social reality. The central role of Pan-Turkism lies in local identities which, through the theoretical construction of the other, reproduces prejudices and fears, essential to the unfolding of ethnic violence.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectNagorno Karabakhpt_BR
dc.subjectNagorno Karabakhen
dc.titleA projeção do Panturquismo sob o véu identitário: um estudo sobre o Nagorno Karabakhpt_BR

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