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dc.contributor.advisorMaria Isabel Wolf Motta Morandi
dc.contributor.authorCléber Augusto Diefenthaeler
dc.description.abstractFor the hazardous situations in the industry are reduced it is necessary that machines and equipment are designed taking into account the risk reduction. This research addresses two methodologies for risk assessment in industrial machinery. The objective is to compare theoretically and practically the performance of the HRN (STEEL, 1990) and SCRAM (SORANNO; GÖRNEMANN; SCHUMACHER, 2019) methodologies. In addition, this research seeks to identify differences in results based on the parameters used by each methodology, the influence on the result considering the number of levels for each parameter and the influence of risk levels. The lack of comparability between risk estimation methods can lead to uncertainty between results obtained with different risk estimation tools. It should be noted that to identify the hazards of a machine, it is necessary to carry out a risk assessment and apply safety measures to reduce the risk. Machine risk estimation plays a crucial role in choosing and prioritizing risk reduction methods. Conceptually, the probability of a specific unwanted event occurring within a specific period, together with the consequences of that specific event can be considered as a risk and to identify these risks, 20 (twenty) risk scenarios were analyzed in an industrial plant in the State of São Paulo. The HRN and SCRAM methodologies were applied in these risk scenarios and identified how many risk scenarios showed identical results, how many risk scenarios showed similar results and how many risk scenarios showed divergent results. Although it has not presented identical results, it is not possible to state that one methodology is superior to the other in terms of risk estimation.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectApreciação de riscopt_BR
dc.subjectRisk assessmenten
dc.titleSegurança de máquinas: um estudo comparativo entre duas metodologiaspt_BR

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