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dc.contributor.advisorSchnack, Cristiane Maria
dc.contributor.authorCamargo, Francisco Jesian Lemes
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the present research is to analyze the development and application of a project in order to understand how project-based learning (LARMER, MERGENDOLLER e BOSS, 2015; KRAUSS e BOSS, 2013; STOLLER, 2006; SCHLATTER e GARCEZ, 2012) can contribute to an integrated and contextualized teaching that integrates language and content (COYLE, HOOD e MARSH, 2010; DALE & TANNER, 2012). In their discussions Larmer, Mergendoller e Boss (2015), they argue that project-based learning creates opportunities for students to realize a real need to know something, so they can use this knowledge to solve a problem or answer a question that matters to them. To conduct this research, we adopted the perspective of a qualitative research (Dias, 2000). The data collection considered the project's teaching plan and the final report prepared for the Supervised Curricular Internship discipline. The research is justified because, in the context of teaching and learning in AL, project-based learning presents itself as one of the options for the development of the general competences that must be developed throughout basic education and is defined as a way of organizing learning based on topics relevant to students and the content needed to develop the referred theme. Thus, it is understood as important to understand how language teaching can be integrated into content teaching. The data analysis points out that project-based learning enables an integrated teaching of language and content, and, for this reason, it can contribute to the perception of value and purpose of learning AL.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAprendizagem baseada em projetospt_BR
dc.subjectProject-based Learningen
dc.title“Ah, sora! se eu não vou falar inglês com ninguém, pra que eu tenho que aprender inglês?” construindo significado e relevância para a aprendizagem da língua inglesa na educação básica através de projetospt_BR

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