As cores da devoção: um trabalho histórico relacional com as irmandades leigas da Vila da Cachoeira (do Sul - RS, Séc XIX)
This text presents the result of a historical investigation done with manuscripts and other separate documentation, which currently is part of the “brotherhood collection”, a documental section of the Municipal Historical Archive of Cachoeira do Sul (AHMCS). The project is a result of the lack of historical studies, focused on specific locations and periods, interested in investigations about catolic brotherhoods in a relational perspective, covering brotherhoods of local elites, as well as black brotherhoods. The idea of a social relationality gave unity to research and narrative, which, through the analyticity of race, sex and class relations, attempt to reconstitute social reality. The project was mobilized by the following question: why do just black brotherhoods have color, in documents and in historiography? As results, we reflect on the absence of color (or the presence of racialized identities) in the historical documents produced by the catolics brotherhoods of Cachoeira (do Sul – RS, 19th century), and also on the narcissistic pacts of Brazilian academic historiographical whiteness, which hardly put whiteness in question in their works. Contributing to the approximation of the social history of catolic brotherhoods to post-colonial studies, to field of post-abolition and critical whiteness studies.CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico