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dc.contributor.advisorRichter, Cristiano
dc.contributor.authorKnak, Simone Santos
dc.description.abstractIndustry 4.0 (I4.0) is a new paradigm for production systems, which has been stirring the discussions on companies' decision-making. Companies understand that they need to act, and there are needs on their part when it comes to making quick and assertive decisions about investments, taking into account the national context in which they operate and the way they plan to compete.Thus, there is a need for the companies' business strategy to be aligned to the production function mechanism and, consequently, to the need for investments in new existing technologies. In this context, uncertainties arise in decision making regarding the implementation and prioritization of I4.0 technologies. In this direction, the objective of this thesis is to propose a theoretical framework for prioritizing the implementation of I4.0 technologies based on the company's production strategy to generate value.To this end, Design Science Research is used with the intention of in order conducting the research. In order to meet the objectives of this research, a systematic review of the literature, bibliometrics, and bibliographic review were carried out, a moment that originated the V0 of the artifact.This review generated an interview in which 63 I4.0 and innovation specialists validated the I4.0 technologies and competitive criteria, which culminated in the V1 of the artifact. In order to add more rigor to the research, the results were submitted to ANOVA analysis of variance and Bonferroni test (intra and inter-group variation), which generated versions V2 and V3.The tests were performed in the software version SPSS.21.1,and with V3 the artifact was submitted to the focus group of experts and to the company that was the object of the case study for validation. The case study validation was done by three UENs (Brazil, United States and Germany), and the result was satisfactory, since the three units would use the framework to guide the I4.0 investment plan discussions. It was concluded that, to consider the numerous technologies of I4.0 and the costs of these investments, companies need instruments that help them make more assertive investment decisions and reduce uncertainties. It becomes necessary, therefore, to analyze the context in which they are inserted, updating as to the I4.0 technologies, because it is not a matter of deploying technology but rather understanding the convergence benefits and the integration that they can offer. With the proposed framework, it is possible to align the operations strategies to the most relevant competitive criteria for their customers with potential value creation.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPriorização de tecnologiaspt_BR
dc.subjectTechnology prioritizationen
dc.titleProposta de um framework para priorização de implantação das tecnologias da indústria 4.0 a partir da estratégia de produção para geração de valor da firmapt_BR

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