Cultura digital, multiletramentos e ensino de língua portuguesa na perspectiva de professoras em formação continuada
The advent of digital technologies and the changes triggered in the way of living and being in society gave rise to a new culture, the digital culture (LÉVY, 1999). There are, especially in this culture, in digital environments of interaction, new language practices, which originated new text genres with multiple semiosis that go beyond verbal language. However, it seems that these new text genres have gained little space in Portuguese language classes at school. Considering this scenario, this research seeks to understand how Portuguese language teachers, in continuing education, develop a genre education project (GUIMARÃES; KERSCH, 2012; 2014) from the perspective of multiliteracies and from the work with text genres of the digital culture and how the reflection of this work can enhance the resignification of their teaching practices. For this, the theoretical foundation is based on studies of digital culture and its repercussions and impacts on the school context (LÉVY, 1999; LOPES; SCHLEMMER, 2011; SCHLEMMER; DI FELICE, 2020), in the perspective of multiliteracies in the teaching and learning of mother tongue from the studies of the New London Group (1996), of what is prescribed in the National Curricular Common Base (BRASIL, 2018) and, especially, the assumptions of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999; 2006a), which allow reflections on the teacher's work and teacher professional development. This qualitative research (CRESWELL, 2007) mobilizes, in the generation and analysis of data, recordings of interactions produced during remote continuing education meetings with Portuguese language teachers and/or pedagogical coordinators that working in a public school system, during the Covid-19 pandemic, in the year 2020. From the interactions performed in this context, the verbalizations of three professionals, at different moments of continuing teacher education, are analyzed, seeking to identify linguistic-discursive clues that show the movements of resignification of their teaching practice, especially with regard to working with text genres of digital culture and multiliteracies from the work with genre education project. For data analysis, the textual architecture model proposed by Bronckart (1999) is used, also aligned with the principles of studies in the fields of digital culture and multiliteracies. The results suggest that professionals, through the development of genre education projects, have appropriated of the text genre of digital culture and the digital technologies that surround it and revealed, from the critical reflection on their work and the awareness process expressed by them verbally, promoted and encouraged in the continuing education meetings, clues for the professional development of teachers and for the resignification of their teaching practices.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior