Through Educommunicational processes, this research aims to understand the processes of knowledge construction for the formation of integral human being from the contents of the Spiritist Doctrine addressed in meetings of Children's Evangelization. The union of knowledge from areas of biology, psychology, education, communication and technology, enables the construction of paths for educommunicative activities based on theories and research of constructivist authors such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon and educommunicative as Soares. The investigation involved evangelists, parents and children from 7 to 13 years old from the Jesus Salve the Humble Spiritist Association of Charqueadas / RS, seeking to understand how the uses and appropriations of the Educommunicational processes influence the development of the several dimensions of the individual; As situations that allow the exercise of autonomy, affection, respect and a lot of dialogue can contribute to the construction of acts of thinking, feeling and acting, and, consequently, the integral development of the child. This investigation is based on Maldonado's (and others) theory of Transmethodology, combined with Freire's methodology of dialogue and self-criticism of the subject; the experiences of Pereira and Hannas; Kraemer's descriptive opinions. The educommunicative practices of this research demonstrate potential development of the multiple dimensions of the person; mainly enable the dialogue between the individues; They promote shared learning, as well as the formation of integral human being, in accordance with the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine aimed at the formation of the good citizen.