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dc.contributor.advisorFerreira, Maurício dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorMelo, Gilcileny Vieira de Sousa
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation presents a study on the bachelor professor who works in Undergraduate, whose general objective is to understand the ways of being a professor of bachelor professors in Higher Education from research in the area of Education and its approaches to the perspective of the aesthetics of professorality. To achieve this purpose, an investigative path was designed based on metaresearch as a methodological strategy. Still little explored in the field of Education, at least in the way it is presented by the authors Mainardes (2018), Silva and Gamboa (2014), meta-research provides reflections and discussions about other research. With a qualitative character, it focuses, therefore, on themes or fields of study common to the previously defined works. Thus, the present investigation selected between the period 2010 and 2020 ten researches, among them six dissertations and four theses focused on the study of the bachelor professor. Analyzed together, the data were organized into three units of meaning: general aspects, involving the objectives, problematization and authors used; methodologies, comprising the methods and procedures adopted by researchers; and esthetics of professorship, seeking to understand how aspects of teaching subjectivity appear in such research. Among the theoretical references used in this study are: Pereira (2016), Almeida (2012), Cunha (2008), Pensin (2017), Fabris, Dal'Igna and Silva (2018), Pimenta and Anastasiou (2002), Vaillant and Marcelo (2012), Masetto (2012), Sacristán (1999), Imbernón (2010, 2016), Tardif (2012), Nóvoa (2009, 2013, 2019), among others and others. As main findings, the following stand out: a) a recurrence of the authors used was noticed, as well as an emphasis on the teaching identity, with perhaps a possible theoretical expansion of the introduction of new references, concepts and epistemological perspectives; b) most of the theses and dissertations analyzed used interviews. Scientific methodology, which points to the need for studies that invest in other investigative investigative strategies and procedures and thus expand the knowledge about the constitution of the bachelor's professor; c) studies that seek to understand the aspects of teaching subjectivity in relation to the bachelor professor are rare. In this sense, the potency of the perspective of the aesthetics of professorality is evidenced (PEREIRA, 2016), to help think about the process of performance and development of this subject who assumes, even without basic training, the responsibility of training future professionals.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleDocente bacharel no ensino superior: um estudo na perspectiva da estética da professoralidade em teses e dissertações (2010-2020)pt_BR

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