Design estratégico e transformação tecnológica: cenários para a sociedade 5.0
This study faces technological transformations and revolutions, under the interest of human well-being, in order to create scenarios for Society 5.0, which comes as a result of the acceleration requested by Industry 4.0. During this investigation, COVID-19 became a reality in people's daily lives, thus changing the objectives and idealizations of society itself, for that, this context made to be an important factor for this research. The world was transformed through out this pandemic period, people's lives were drastically changed and as a reflection, design itself also changed. The design process was updated and with it opportunities, which were only of the interest to the author of this study, were more evident and a part of a new reality. With the purpose to design future scenarios for Society 5.0, the methodology applied in this study was a combination of research through design (research through design, RTD) and action-research. Throughout the methodological practice, four in-depth interviews were carried out with specialists within the fields of psychology, design, technology and industrial process, in which the important inputs were then applied in practices, experiences and beliefs that could colaborate to the construction of a new Society. A central part of the methodological practice was the realization of a design workshop with participants from different areas of knowledge, age groups and interests, in which the collaborative work contributed and enrichied this research. This study began with a different landscape of ideas and a completely different mindset of the researcher from what it is today, but as the research evolved progressed and, with the numerous obstacles that the pandemic presented, the problematization and results changed, bringing current perceptions with real concerns. Finally, this research emphasizes the potential of Strategic Design when paired with in-depth society investigation to projects that are technological and inovative.Nenhuma