Acesso à rede de atenção à saúde por pessoas com deficiência intelectual
This thesis analyzes the experiences lived by people with intellectual disabilities in accessing the Health Care Network and the answers given by the services, the needs demanded by this public. Methodology: This was a qualitative participant observation research that analyzed the narratives of eighteen neurodiverse people, twelve with mild intellectual disability, self-responsible and six people with severe or profound intellectual disability who, due to the degree of intellectual and physical impairment, were represented in the survey by their legal guardians, these being five mothers and a one grandmother. The production of data took place in two stages: the first, carried between 2019 and 2020, with the reading of the existing medical records at the institution providing intellectual rehabilitation services, in the single modality, by the Unified Health System, in order to identify possible participants for the search. The second stage, took place between 2020 and 2021, years for conducting interviews and monitoring participants in therapeutic itineraries. Data analysis took place after the transcription of the audios, readings and rereadings of the interviews and the notes made in the field diary, and thus, axes and sub-axes were classified for discussion with the literature. Results and Discussions: In the first article, the experiences lived by people with intellectual disabilities during access to health services were analyzed, emphasizing the social stigma and carelessness that enhance the structural and institutional violence they are subjected to in this context. The itineraries carried out by these people led to the data of the second article, which analyzed the trajectories of mothers of children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities concomitant with refractory epilepsy, in the search for access to medications extracted from Cannabis Sativa L, emphasizing the formation of networks of solidarity around the components of the plant, with an analytical focus on the activism of these women in accessing oil extracted from marijuana, as well as for the legalization of self-cultivation. Final considerations: Based on the results, it is considered that access to the Health Care Network by people with intellectual disabilities is permeated by inequities, from the first consultation for the assessment of intellectual disability, to the stigmatization of care, causing neglect and carelessness as well as inequalities in the search for access to health services. It is considered imperative to broaden the view on the processes of stigmatization and institutional violence suffered by this public in order to reduce inequities in access to health care.Nenhuma