Intervenções do terapeuta psicanalítico: um estudo do processo de psicoterapia de uma paciente diagnosticada com transtorno de personalidade Borderline
This study turns the research of therapeutic action in the psychoanalytic model of psychotherapy directed to critical patients, specifically considering the therapist's contribution in the process. Contemporary views show that therapist is an active participant in the therapeutic relationship with a big impact in the results of the treatments. However, few studies direct their inquiries to the variables of the therapists, especially the characteristics of interventions throughout the psychotherapeutic process. Thus, this dissertation aims to investigate the interventions of a psychoanalytic therapist during the psychotherapy process of a patient diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. This systematic case study was based on analysis of the psychotherapeutic process of a 18 years old woman. For data analysis, twelve psychotherapy sessions were analyzed and all interventions of the therapist were classified by Modified Multidimensional Psychotherapeutic Interventions Classification (CMIP-M). Doubles independent and trained judges in the instrument methodology classified each of the interventions of the therapist in the descriptive level. The first study aimed to identify the proportion of each type of intervention used by the therapist during the investigation process and later in three stages of the treatment. It also investigated the proportion of common interventions and specific psychoanalytic interventions during treatment. The second study, by integrating the classification proposal of the CMIP-M and the notes of the sessions, aimed to identify the proportion of specific psychoanalytic interventions over the investigated sessions, focusing on the specific analysis of psychoanalytical explanatory interventions to investigate the use of these interventions in combination with other types of interventions and explore what steps the treatment they happened. Finally, it sought to integrate the understanding of the use of explanatory interventions with the therapeutic process. This research points the need of more studies about work with critical patients in order to investigate the intervention strategies adopted by therapists and improve the use of psychoanalytic technique.Nenhuma