Guia prático para o uso de plantas medicinais no município de Tufilândia/MA
This study addresses the medicinal plants used by the population enrolled in the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) in the urban area of Tufilândia - MA. The goal was to develop a practical guide for the use of medicinal plants in the municipality of Tufilândia. This is a quantitative and qualitative research, with cross sectional model. Data collection instrument was used a semi-structured questionnaire which related to family issues were addressed to users of medicinal plants and data for these plants. Data collection took place between July and December 2015. The study included 179 families enrolled in the ESF the urban area of Tufilândia. The interview was conducted with the individual's family who had knowledge of the use of medicinal plants. Later information relating to individuals who used these plants were harvested. 179 people were interviewed, of these, 164 (91.5%) were female, family income ranging from socioeconomic stratum D - and the socioeconomic stratum B1, highlighting the stratum D-E with 129 (72.5%). Altogether 419 were identified users of medicinal plants, where 241 (57.5%) are female, with the highest percentage (55.8%) education in illiterate level / key I incomplete. Among the users, 121 (28.8%) admit to some disease and 93 users mentioned make use of any allopathic medicine, where the most cited were the antihypertensive. Were cited by respondents 83 plants medicines, these, 58 have scientific evidence to use. The results of this study allow us to conclude that the consumption of medicinal plants is a social reality of families enrolled in the ESF, Tufilândia / MA. Therefore, managers and municipal ESF professionals need to review their practices, as provided by the Politica Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) and Programa Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos. The practical guide for the use of medicinal plants in Tufilândia municipality will be a guiding instrument of this practice in the city.Nenhuma