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dc.contributor.advisorLadeira, Wagner Junior
dc.contributor.authorRosa, Jaqueline da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe Construal Level Theory indicates that the distance time, represented by the temporal expression of the present and the future , influences behavior self - controlled of the consum er. They take only the temporal expressions of the present and the future as time frames that influence the consumption intention . In this thesis has expanded this framework including the expression of passes d the and time pressure as variables that impact the relationship between self - controlled and intended behavior . Given the above , this study analyzes the role of Temporal Expressions in the relationship between Autocontrole and Behavioral Intentions. And a theoretical model was worked out and hypotheses were proposed to be tested . The direct relations established between some behaviors were presented, such as the perception of risk, scarcity, hedonism and utilitarianism, as wellas deindividualization and innovation influencing the consumption intention. Thus, it was assumed that these variables also extended their influence on self-controlled behavior. For this study , a quantitative survey was carried out ( Survey ), Which datacollection took place from August to September 2020. In total they were collected andvalid ad the 907 questionnaires . Regarding the data analysis technique, the proposed theoretical model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The evidence indicated that there is an association between the intention to consume and selfcontrol; the perception of scarcity and self-control; the perception of risk and selfcontrol; hedonic perception and self-control; utilitarian perception and self-control. However, deindividualization and innovation in consumption were not associated with self-control, which indicates that there is no predictive relationship between these variables. Through ESM it is seen that the role of temporal expressionspast , present , the future the pressure and the time umenta(decreased) ess the relationship . The theoretical advancement of this thesis occurs when it demonstrates that the moderators of temporal expression impact on thebehavioral relationship of self-control and intention and also, indicated that the expressions of past and time pressure, can also influence the evaluations, decisions and judgments, advancing in the approach of the C onstrual L evel T heory , in the actof consumption, in addition to its moderating role. Furthermore, this evidence has repercussions in the most varied areas of human life, such as the purchase of a healthier product, including the consumption of alcohol and narcotics, up to the contracting of private pension plans and the very act of saving. In light of this, the studysheds light on the discussion of the relationship of selfcontrolled behavior through temporal expressions and , finally , it promotes the realization of studies thatinvestigate the effects of these moderators as a social practice.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectConstrual Level Theoryen
dc.titleO papel das expressões temporais: o que acontece na relação entre autocontrole e intenções comportamentais?pt_BR

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