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dc.contributor.advisorLópez, Laura Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorTertuliano, Gisele Cristina
dc.description.abstractThis thesis in question analyzes the experience of women on the vertical transmission of syphilis, considering their social trajectory and the intersections of social markers of difference, as well as the assistance provided in the health network and the structure of public policies that assistance sexual and reproductive. In this work was analyzed the role of the Vertical Transmission Committee with a technical-scientific device and its potential as an articulator of the service network for the understanding of the determinism of syphilis in different healthcare spaces is also analyzed. Methodology: The qualitative research was utilized in this thesis that analyzed the biographical narratives of seven women who experienced syphilis during pregnancy and the resulting vertical transmission, in addition to the use of triangulation methods to understand the corpus of materials around the vertical transmission committee, which included document analysis, observation of meetings and conducting interviews with its members through a case study. Data production took place between May 2019 and December 2020; the analysis took place through transcriptions, reading and organization of the interviews, field notes and documents, with discussion axes being built in dialogue with theoretical dimensions. Results and Discussions: The experiences and life trajectories of women who experienced syphilis during pregnancy and vertical transmission were analyzed. The social pathways linked to sexuality and reproduction were analyzed, considering the effects of structural violence that combines gender, class and race inequalities in the lives of these women, with unique histories and subjectivations. These inequalities that affect their lives are not always considered in the production of health care for women and children, institutional vulnerabilities being (re)produced. In the second article, the constitution of the syphilis vertical transmission committee and its help to strengthen the care network in the prevention of vertical transmission and in the satisfactory outcome for the cases that are being followed were examined. Advances and weaknesses of this action were analyzed, considering everything from the way the Committee was organized to the forms of action. It is understood that VTCs have the potential to propose a new work process capable of playing a truly educational and transformative role, not traditionally investigative. Final Considerations: In these situations, it is essential to broaden the view on the social determination of illness from syphilis and the resulting vertical transmission, understanding and interfering in the social dynamics that involve the production of care in the health care of women and children and strengthening the roles of the committees as protagonists of a political and institutional repositioning, capable of covering the situations of social vulnerability that pervade the life of the triad (Mother-Baby-Father/Partner).en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectTrajetórias reprodutivaspt_BR
dc.subjectReproductive trajectoriesen
dc.titleExperiências femininas sobre a transmissão vertical da sífilis: um estudo qualitativo no município de Cachoeirinha/RSpt_BR

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