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dc.contributor.advisorGadea, Carlos A.
dc.contributor.authorBrusius, Analice
dc.description.abstractThe theme of this study is the trajectory of young people that were confinement in Brazilian juvenile system. It is intended to see how risk factors and especially protective ones influenced the trajectory of young people who had been confinement in Brazilian juvenile system and who stopped practicing crimes. The study participants were young that were egress of Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo who were confinement in juvenile system in institution located in Porto Alegre and Vale do Rio dos Sinos. The modality of qualitative research was carried out through individual interviews, participant observation and analysis of documents. It is understood that the reasons for the involvement of young people with crimes are multifactorial. The trajectories of young people are considered based on the meanings they attribute to them at different times in their lives, including past, present and future planning. Reflections on collective memory and its nuances, such as the experience of time, individuality and collectivity help to understand the trajectory of the young people participating in the study. The trajectories are guided by projects that depend on the fields of possibilities, on their previous knowledge, constituted in a space of time in a social, cultural and historical context. As a result of the study, it is clear that the performance of risk factors became more evident the moment they became involved with the crimes. The different social vulnerabilities they were facing left the possibility of developing projects for their futures fragile because they presented needs that needed to be solved immediately. Memories about the confinement in juvenile system reveal suffering due to institutional rigidity and on the other hand a necessary learning for their lives. This learning occurred from the experiences provided in the interactions with other young people, employees, at school, workshops, professional courses or internships. The articulated network between public policies during the confinement proved to be very effective in guaranteeing rights and proposing actions associated with the reality of young people, enabling their transit through different institutions and services. Violence gave rise to complex situations with which they and their families had to deal with developing capacities for transformation, adaptation and understanding in the face of the needs that arose, placing the family as a reference for an important emotional bond. Some experiences are shown to be protective, which are added to their previous knowledge stock and provide them with resources to avoid situations of violence. The support they receive from people who go beyond their role in institutionality and who invest in young people in various ways is essential, establishing meaningful bonds and not leaving them helpless in times of conflict. Religiosity, education and, especially, work were constituted as fundamental support networks for their changes.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleUm dia após o outro, e o que eu quero é mudar: um estudo sobre jovens egressos de medidas socioeducativaspt_BR

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