Um framework para a gestão sustentável de cadeias de suprimentos agroalimentares: um estudo de caso de cadeia avícola brasileira
Purpose: The present research proposes a framework for the sustainable management of agrifood supply chains. This proposal consists of a review of concepts until their applicability in a Brazilian poultry chain. The proposition of this framework considers the corporate dimensions (strategic, managerial, and collaboration) through the following specific objectives: (i) analyze the types of shortening of agri-food supply chains, (ii) identify the approaches (theories, concepts, and frameworks) that guide sustainable supply chain management, (iii) analyze the role of the focal company in the management of a Brazilian poultry chain highlighting environmental issues and the alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), and (iv) analyze the transformations that are occurring in the structure of supply chains due to increased competitiveness and sustainable management. Design/methodology/approach: The research steps are (i) literature review and conceptualtheoretical framework; (ii) planning the single case study, through semi-structured interview and direct observation (field visit to a slaughterhouse plant of a poultry chain); (iii) data collection and analysis; and (iv) results and discussion. Findings: The main results are: (i) a suggestion of a new category in food supply chain studies, called focal company managed chain; (ii) an analysis of transformation scenarios in search of sustainable principles; (iii) a discussion on theories such as corporate social responsibility, green supply chain management, industrial ecology, stakeholder orientation, circular economy and sustainability science; and (iv) a case study in a Brazilian poultry chain, considering the role of the focal company and the applicability of the SDGs. Originality/value: The main contributions are: (i) the types of linkages (managed, monitored, and not managed) between stakeholders and their respective business processes in a supply chain explain the role of the focal company; (ii) the focal company manages waste and environmental issues in the poultry chain; (iii) the focal company implements the SDG 12 goals responsible consumption and production in the poultry chain; (iv) the management of supply chains face the challenge of reconciling long and short chains, manufacturing or providing services and, finally, being or not being sustainable; and, (v) a matrix of actions for sustainable management, considering the conceptual framework, vulnerabilities and key kerformance indicators.Nenhuma