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dc.contributor.advisorGrazziotin, Luciane Sgarbi Santos
dc.contributor.authorLauermann, Caroline Leszczynski Nunes
dc.description.abstractThis study has as theme the Adopt a Writer Program (PAE), a program of reading incentive that has existed since 2002 in the Municipal Net of Education (RME) of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Integrating the public policies of reading of the city, the program destines money for enlarging the collection of school libraries, bus for visiting the Book Fair of the city, and payment of a fee for the adopted author to visit the school. The research is dedicated to constituting the trajectory of the PAE in the Municipal School of Basic Education (E.M.E.F.) Nossa Senhora do Carmo, and understanding the discourses regarding the Program. The materials that compose the research are: teaching narratives, collected from the conducting of four interviews with the teachers responsible for the development of the Program in the school and the City Department of Education (SMED); in addition to photographic documentation, official letters, budgets, among others. The research is conducted by means of the theoretical background of discourse analysis (AD) according to Orlandi (2005, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2015, 2017) and Pêcheux (1995, 2015), which, together with the comprehensive interview (KAUFMANN, 2013), compose the theoretical-methodological base of this study, in the intention to delineate the meanings prompted around the PAE. As for the aspects concerning the meaning processes towards the research images, a discussion is proposed from the works of Barthes (2012), Greimas (2017, 2020), and Penn (2002). The teachers' perceptions related to the Program outlined some discourses intertwined with four main issues: the reading possibilities; trajectory of the PAE in the school; public policies of incentive to reading and the context; quality and measuring. The conducted analyses indicate that the Program has guaranteed, in the school environment, the access to quality literature and cultural experiences that provide possibilities for the production of meaning. However, the trajectory of the Program in the school is constituted with the inclusion of the Arts, but it does not consider them as a reading possibility. Therefore, it is considered that the valuation of this area of knowledge must be permeated by the expansion of a concept of reading that could even enhance pedagogical practices related to the PAE.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPolíticas públicaspt_BR
dc.subjectPublic policiesen
dc.titleA leitura como produção de sentido: o “Programa Adote um Escritor/PAE” na E.M.E.F. Nossa Senhora do Carmo – Porto Alegre/RS (2004-2017)pt_BR

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