Regulação e queer(ização) da docência: análise da produção acadêmica educacional brasileira entre 2009 e 2019
Mapping, describing and analysing which games of knowledge and power contribute to the constitution of teaching carried out by trans people in the context of educational academic production in Brazil between the years 2009 and 2019 is the objective of this dissertation. For this, from a search in the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Bank, 08 (eight) researches were identified and analysed, 03 (three) doctoral theses and 05 (five) master's dissertations, from the perspective of documentary analysis. The investigation was anchored in four fields of study: Teaching Studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies and Foucault Studies, supported mainly by the studies of Michel Foucault. From the analysis of the empirical material, it was possible to organize two categories of analysis: "Teaching regulation: heterocisnormative matrix" and "Queer(ization) of teaching: resisting and (re)existing". The thesis defended is: from the analysis of the Brazilian educational academic production of the decade 2009-2019, it can be seen that trans people, when constituting themselves as teachers, are challenged by discourses and games of power/knowledge that say about the body, the gender and the sexuality, which are regulated by the heterocisnormative matrix. At the same time, trans teachers create other possibilities to resist and (re)exist, as they force a process that I call the queer(ization) of teaching, understood here as an attitude-ethical-aesthetic-politicalqueer, through a liveable life that aims to separate teaching from morality and decency, which has been going through it and constituted it for a long time, in order to enable other ways of being and existing as a teacher in the contemporary.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior