Sujeitos surdos e cidadania comunicativa: processos comunicacionais na Associação dos Surdos de Governador Valadares (Asugov) e em seu Facebook
The research aimed to investigate, from the perspective of the constitution of communicative citizenship, the participation of deaf subjects in the communication processes at Asugov and on the page of this association in interrelation with their personal profiles on Facebook. The epistemic foundation of the thesis is nourished by links and perpasses of the epistemic-philosophical premises of transmethodology. These allowed their development through a multi-methodological arrangement built on the concrete journey of the investigation, consisting of participant observation of communicative dynamics at Asugov, in-depth interviews with deaf communicating subjects and observation of the uses and appropriations made by them on the Asugov page in their profiles. personal on Facebook (publications on the social network were systematized from June 2018 to June 2020). The construction of the research includes traces of the sociocultural, political, educational, legal and communicational context of deaf subjects. In the theoretical basis of the thesis, concepts and theories are problematized to promote a theoretical fabric thinking of mediatization, digital communication and networks, mediations and media appropriations; deaf culture and communicative. The research results show that Asugov is a place for welcoming and sharing experiences, where the subjects find the possibility of experiencing and reinforcing ties of belonging to the deaf culture, of feeding opportunities for cultural, communicational and social inclusion. They show that there are also conflicts and contradictions that limit the broadened possibilities for participation and citizenship of these subjects. The participation of deaf subjects in the social network Facebook Asugov and in their personal profiles, based on the uses and appropriations of the resources offered on the platforms, facilitates the citizen construction of informing, communicating, giving opinions, sharing experiences, sharing narratives of life, promoting meetings, establishing links, making demands visible. Elements that hinder more punctual communicative exercises for the construction of the communicative citizenship of these subjects in the investigated digital environments are also identified.Nenhuma