Vigiar e compartilhar: marcas da violência armada nas redes digitais do Fogo Cruzado
This thesis investigates the meanings of armed violence, triggered by the shared surveillance of the Fogo Cruzado data laboratory. Through a collaborative platform on the web, the team geo-references on open maps events involving shootings in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, in Brazil. Based on the communicational notion of system of relations, it reflects on territorial interactions with the current context of digital networks to think of surveillance as an articulating concept, whose specific focus of study we call shared surveillance. Methodologically, the work is within the scope of the evidential paradigm, with a semiotic procedural approach to capture the traces left by semiosis on armed violence on digital platforms. The result of this incursion is the conception of semiotic territorialities, which translate tendencies of meanings generated by this shared surveillance. The methodological path is divided into understanding the proceduralities of shared surveillance, unveiling the eventful trajectory of the shootings, identifying the semiotization modes of the platform, analyzing the frameworks of armed violence and mapping the semiotic territorialities engendered by the data laboratory. The war between factions, militias and police would be an inhibitor of any kind of monitoring. However, one of the meaningful effects of digital networks, anonymity, makes it possible to identify territories in conflict. Thus, the orientational role performed in this system of relations stands out through a shared watch, articulated by the Fogo Cruzado data laboratory. In particular, the broad notion that this characteristic presents to also position itself as a social observatory, built on various interfaces (journalistic, scientific and collaborative), which georeference armed violence and puts it in debate with society.CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico