A docência em fio: alinhavos sobre o profissionalismo docente na trama da BNCC
This study sought to understand the production of teaching in the context of the Brazilian Common National Curricular Base (BNCC) and other related documents, in view of the processes of professionalization, deprofissionalization and reprofissionalization of teaching, which were resultant analytical categories of the research. The objectives of the study were: to understand the BNCC in the context of the neoliberal rationality in its interface with education; to understand the contemporary context and its effect in the teaching work; to map, to analyze and to produce the categories of analysis and to weave the analytical weft, in order to understand the way teaching is produced in the context of the BNCC and other documents selected as empirical corpus in the websites of the Movimento pela Base Nacional Comum and of the Movimento Todos pela Educação; and, especially, to examine the contemporary ways of constitution of the teaching work in Brazil, focusing, mainly, on the processes of (de)professionalization of teaching and the attempts of its reprofissionalization. The study analyzes the meanings related to profession, teaching professionalism and changes in professional-education knowledge that have been established in the BNCC and in the Official Policy for Elementary Teachers' Education (BNC-Formação). In this regard, the research uses the documentary analysis as a theoretical-methodological approach and understands documents as monuments. (FOUCAULT, 2013; LE GOFF, 1996). Two great blocks of documents are analyzed: the first one is composed of legal documents, reports, the BNCC (Law no. 13.415/2017) and the National Curricular Guidelines and the National Common Base for Pre-Service Education of Elementary Teachers (Resolution CNE/CP no. 2/2019); the other block concerns documents that subsidize the construction of the BNCC and the BNC-Formação, from the websites of the movements. The study presents a contextualization of the weft of the neoliberal educational reforms, in order to understand the logic that inspires it, as well as the way it acts on schools' and, especially, teachers' ways of being; after that, it makes brief considerations on the neoliberal rationality, the entrepreneurism of society and the BNCC, as well as on the changes in the labor world, from the Theory of the Human Capital. It also presents a discussion on the knowledge that is constituent of teaching and on teaching professionalism, an aspect that becomes central in this work, from a description of the professionalization of teachers, in which the study seeks to show the way the frames of teaching in Brazil are constituted, sometimes around vocation and maternity, which deprofissionalizes teaching, sometimes around technical and professional knowledge. The analytical chapter is divided in three sections: the first one is introductory; the second one presents the teaching professionalization category; and the third one jointly analyzes the teaching reprofissionalization and teaching deprofissionalization categories, because they are deeply articulated. The study observes, with the analyses, that the reframing of “good teaching practices” and the adoption of the logic of definition of teaching professional abilities were constituted from processes of accountability of teachers, supported by the concept of performance. In conclusion, the research argues that the new Policy of Teacher Education disseminates a dual process that deprofissionalizes – and simultaneously (re)profissionalizes – teaching, from the proposal of an educational process with managerial and performative perspectives.Nenhuma