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dc.contributor.advisorKersch, Dorotea Frank
dc.contributor.authorLopes, Ana Paula Leite
dc.description.abstractIn view of the profound transformations that have occurred in the last decades, we have evidenced significant changes in the modes of reading and writing, since we live today in a world mediated by printed and online texts and with a reading audience that increasingly interacts with technologies. In this sense, literature classes need to make room for literary reading in a meaningful way, and the use of technologies can contribute a lot in this sense. For these reasons, the objective of this study is to verify how the development of the Didactic Project for Literary Literacy, which combines literary reading and the use of the tool for the creation of digital stories, Storyboard That, can motivate and reframe literary reading. As theoretical framework, we based the research on some principles of Literacy Projects, Kleiman (1995, 2007, 2008, 2010); in the didactics of literature teaching, Cosson (2006, 2014), in reading for the production of meaning and expression of the subjectivity of the reader (COLOMER, 2007; PETIT, 2008; ROUXEL, 2013) and the importance of digital literacy for the promotion of literary literacy. (BARTON; LEE, 2015; DUDENEY; HOCKLY; PEGRUM, 2016; ROBIN, 2008). The research actors are part of a High School class in the Normal Teaching Course that apparently was unmotivated in relation to reading and writing in the classroom. What results show us is that the development of a Didactic Literary Literacy Project, which provides reading of the literary text and activities that start from a real interest in the students' lives through the use of digital tools, highlights the important role of the school, or more specifically from literature classes, as a meeting place between text and reader for the formation of a competent reader, one who builds meanings through his experiences.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectLetramento literáriopt_BR
dc.subjectLiterary literacyen
dc.titleO letramento literário em interface com o letramento digital como forma de potencializar a leitura e a escrita na formação de professores de anos iniciaispt_BR

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