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dc.contributor.advisorBalestrin, Alsones
dc.contributor.authorZarpelon, Felipe de Mattos
dc.description.abstractInstitutional approaches support a significant perspective shift in the field of studies of innovation. From a firm-centered tradition discussing innovative internal capabilities, the innovation literature comes to recognize an open process, primarily based on interorganizational relationships. Under this perspective shift, the innovation ecosystem emerges as a concept capable of relating innovative performance to the set of organizational actors and their interactions in a context of cultural, cognitive, and normative elements. Within the limits of the innovation ecosystem, collaboration, as a free, recurring, and productive interaction, gains prominence as the central dynamic for technological development. However, collaborative behavior requires the sharing of structures, norms, and culture, and its development in the environment of innovation ecosystems still instigates further analysis. The problem that this research sought to answer, therefore, considers the dynamics of fostering collaboration in innovation ecosystems. The articulation between institutional work – perspective at the agency of the individual in the institutionalization process – and institutional logics – perspective at the dimensions that support the institution – was used as the theoretical lens of this dissertation. In order to achieve the research objectives, a multiple case study was carried out covering the innovation ecosystems of Sophia Antipolis, in France, and Tecnosinos, in Brazil. As a result, the research brings a theoretical-conceptual framework and six propositions that support the thesis that relational assets ease the implementation of institutional work practices that foster collaboration as an institutionalized organizational behavior in innovation ecosystems. The theoretical contributions of this dissertation inform the literature on the propensity of reaching results from the inclusion of the relational level of analysis as a bridge capable of integrating institutional work and institutional logics. This dissertation brings managerial contributions insofar as it informs public managers, entrepreneurs, and researchers inserted in innovation ecosystems on ways to stimulate and take advantage of collaborative initiatives. Finally, this dissertation sets suggestions for future studies.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectInnovation ecosystemsen
dc.subjectEcossistemas de inovaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectÉcosystèmes d'innovationfr
dc.titleInstitutional work practices to foster collaboration in innovation ecosystems: the cases of Sophia Antipolis and Tecnosinosen

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