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dc.contributor.advisorFreire, Karine de Mello
dc.contributor.authorGarziera, Arturo Mocellin
dc.description.abstractWe live in a context in which polarities distance individuals from each another. In contemporary times, stimulated by the digital ascension different cultural bubbles develop, which isolate themselves, in an environment in which their members feed back from information generated and recirculated within the bubbles themselves. When dealing strictly with their own view of the world and the view of their peers, the individual members of these bubbles begin to have their vision restricted, as they do not dialogue with other points of view and, consequently, are not impacted by positions different from their own. This is aggravated when we understand the current functioning of the digital environment that, through its algorithms, encourages users to be strictly impacted by the content they already know or that they like. An absence of dialogue that impacts individuals in their social sphere and brings with its democratic implications in our society. Identifying in the strategic design the capacity to promote a critical vision, dialogues and projections of possible futures, we have, in this research, a study that intends, through the scenarios oriented by design, to understand if actors belonging to different cultural bubbles, when talking in the design process, they develop an expansion of their visions, starting to have a critical view about themselves and their similars. Considering the metadesign perspective of strategic design, this research investigates whether design, through scenarios, manages to promote displacement by the design actors. In other words, to understand if, when participating in the process of design oriented scenarios, these actors will expand their views. Through a project path experienced by the participants of this research, the researcher investigated, throughout the process, data that indicate, or not, a possible displacement by the actors and indications that they expanded their views beyond their bubbles.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCenários orientados pelo designpt_BR
dc.subjectDesign oriented scenariosen
dc.titleDiálogo entre diferentes: o potencial da projetação de cenários orientados pelo design para promover a visão crítica em atores pertencentes a diferentes bolhaspt_BR

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