Doutrinação versus liberdade de cátedra: midiatização e disputas de sentidos em torno do Escola sem Partido
Choosing the communicational investigation of an object that reached its first steps within the school involves relationships that are marked by the circulation processes on the internet, as well as actions that are manifested in the educational and political scenario of the country. However, this research is carried out within the scope of mediatization studies and focuses on the disputes of meanings based on communication strategies between the institution and social actors. Therefore, we developed a comparative mediatized study case, involving communicational actions by the movement School without Party (Escola sem Partido - ESP) and the group Teachers Against the School without Party (Professores Contra o Escola sem Partido - PCESP), in order to understand how these discourses operate meanings. The analysis process is carried out from 54 materials, in the period 2015-2019, through images and videos posted on the object's websites and Facebook - constituting the strategies that point out the main communicational actions in disputes of meanings. However, the study of the corpus was based on theoretical mediatization actions proposed by (GOMES, 2016, 2017; FAUSTO NETO, 2010) being possible from the circulation notes (FAUSTO NETO, 2012; FERREIRA, 2013; VERÓN, 2012) which affects the imagetic discourse (ROSA, 2013, 2016) and the circuits (BRAGA, 2017, 2012) which the communicational actions with the contributions of (RODRIGUES, 2001); generate face the disputes/production of meanings (VERÓN, 1983). The results of the investigation indicate that both ESP and PCESP develop identical actions and processes, but also some differentiated operations. The analysis shows articulations of media and school speeches involving social practices increasingly intertwined by media operations and communication actions. We also highlight operations that involve aspects of indoctrination and freedom of professorship.Nenhuma