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dc.contributor.advisorRogge, Jairo Henrique
dc.contributor.authorAlmeida, Ana Maria da Mata
dc.description.abstractIn Brazil, the reflections and actions on heritage had their germ and diffusion in the early 20th century, with the implementation of IPHAN and actions, a time when the country was experiencing intense transformations in the urban and social scenario. In this context, we propose to identify the discourse and practices related to heritage preservation undertaken by the Franco-Brazilian archaeologist Niède Guidon, through activities in the Serra da Capivara National Park, located in the municipality of Coronel José Dias, part of the São Raimundo Nonato macro-region, situated in the semiarid region of the State of Piauí. Founder of the Museum of American Man, Niède Guidon focuses on a diversity of archaeological finds in Piauí since the 1960s, discovering various archaeological sites and fighting for their preservation, both for their historical-archeological and environmental importance. It is intended, therefore, to explain and understand the educational actions and practices related to heritage issues and preservation of the collection (s) that Niède Guidon and a group of researchers (archaeologists, teachers and other professionals) propose to the inhabitants of the communities living around the Serra da Capivara National Park. We inserted our analyzes of heritage education actions in the region that today is the Serra da Capivara National Park, between the 1960s and 2010. This time frame is justified because this is a period in which the region is included in new educational guidelines on the cataloging, preservation and conservation of heritage assets, due to the arrival of the French Mission team (1975) and the consequent creation of the Serra da Capivara National Park, in 1979. As a social context, this work covers the area of the Piauí municipalities of Canto do Buriti, Colonel José Dias, São João do Piauí and São Raimundo Nonato. The analyzed documentary corpus consists of newspapers, interviews, articles, books and magazines, resulting in the analysis of qualitative / quantitative questionnaires placed with teachers and students from schools close to the Serra da Capivara National Park. In addition, Niède Guidon's trajectory was used as a privileged interlocutor, for being part of the entire process of preserving and registering the Serra da Capivara National Park area as a cultural heritage, and for representing the main idealizing agent of heritage education practices, research and development of the region through the works he develops at the Fundação do Homem Americano. The conceptual universe that guides this study highlights the concepts of material and immaterial heritage, heritage education of authors such as Françoise Choay, Luchiari's heritage, Michel de Certeau's social place, and scientific capital proposed by Pierre Bourdieu. It is argued that, through the heritage education practices proposed by Niède Guidon and her group, for the communities living around the Serra da Capivara National Park, it is possible to build identities and the feeling of preservation and conservation of material and immaterial goods in the region.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectNiède Guidonen
dc.titleOlhares, percepções e patrimônio cultural: a educação escolar e o Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara - Piauípt_BR

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