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dc.contributor.advisorViola, Solon Eduardo Annes
dc.contributor.authorKrumel, Ana Paula da Costa
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is about the student occupation movement #OCUPATUDOCHARQUEADAS, hat took place in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Thecnology Sul-Rio-Grandense, in Charqueadas, Rio Grande do Sul, in the second semester of 2016. This movement is related to the antisystemic movements that occurred in the Middle East in 2011 and spred around the world as massive events that presented similar struggle strategies, mobilizations, organization and protester profiles. These global manifestations contested the political effects of neoliberalism in the crisis period of the American systemic cycle of accumulation. They questioned the forms of contemporary subjectivation typical of capitalism and its contradictions. The occupations in public schools in Brazil consisted on a social movement against the plans of the national government agenda. The interpretative understanding of the student occupation movement was made through a macrosociological perspective based on the World–System analysis. In this perspective, the social movements were analysed as actors in the modern societies, taking into account the sociocultural context in which they are produced and reproduced. Therefore, it was necessary to understand the capitalist system of life production in the modern World-System; to interprete the antisystemic movements and their strategies of action in the current period of crisis of the World-System; to recover the memory of the Brazilian education and of the social movements of resistance and to analyze the student occupation movements and their relations with the global movements of protests that began in 2011. The globalization was understood as a dialectical process in the socio-historical structure of the World-System, because it creates conditions for the integration of international economic relations as well as for the organization of anti-systemic movements. The power was analysed inside the occupation movements taking into account new postures regarding the political action of the social movements. The resistance was constituted through the action of the subjects, who perceived themselves as subjects of rights. The struggle strategies of the movement #OCUPATUDOCHARQUEADAS was a process based on the actions in search of participatory democracy.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCrise sistêmicapt_BR
dc.subjectParticipatory democracyen
dc.titleO movimento #OCUPATUDOCHARQUEADAS: um ato educativo para a participação em tempos de crise do Sistema-Mundopt_BR

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