Gestão de Portfólio: estudo de caso do portfólio de projetos da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre
This paper is about project portfolio management, specifically the processes of identification, categorization and prioritization in municipal public administrations. The method chosen for the research was the Case Study. The empirical phenomenon studied was the elaboration of the portfolio of strategic projects of the City Hall of Porto Alegre (PMPA) in the period from 2017 to 2020. The theoretical framework was based on the concepts associated with public administration, organizational strategy and project portfolio management. Firstly, the study contextualizes historically the main management methods adopted at PMPA. After the period of re-democratization (1988), the City Hall adopted the Participatory Budget (OP). In the next period, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the Strategic Maps were adopted. Still, methods of Quality Management were used with support from PGQP (Gaucho Quality and Productivity Program) and some consultancies of great recognition. In addition, advanced IT tools such as EPM (Enterprise Project Management) have been implemented. In this context, a description and critical analysis of the case was carried out with the support of interviews with strategic public workers in the PMPA and available secondary sources. The analyzes involved: i) the process of identifying strategic projects to compose the project portfolio; ii) the categorization of projects as a way of comparing projects with the same nature or characteristic; iii) the evaluation and prioritization of projects to improve deliveries and minimizing the risk of delay. The conclusion of this paper showed the need to institutionalize the project portfolio management processes in the PMPA based on economic-financial-technical-managerial analyzes. This would allow all professionals working in the organizational structure to act focused on the right projects, which would increase the chance that the projected goals can be effectively achieved.Nenhuma