O Programa Universidade Para Todos (PROUNI) e as trajetórias de discentes na formação avançada para educação brasileira
The University for All Program (Prouni) was instituted in 2004 as a public policy of educational inclusion whose objective is to expand access to higher education by modifying the exclusionary reality in Brazilian higher education. With PROUNI, these conditions that previously limited the democratic process of educational expansion and created several barriers to opportunities for access and permanence, began a democratic process known as inclusion, creating political, economic, social and cultural conditions so that poor subjects could have access to Higher Education. The objective of the research sought to understand how Prouni influenced the student trajectory in advanced education in Brazilian Education. This study is characterized as Qualitative Research of an exploratory nature, carried out through open interviews with three former prounistas who today are in a situation of masters and / or doctors linked to Brazilian education and science. The research is based on qualitative methodology, using interviews and Bourdieu's contribution regarding the idea of social trajectories combined with historical-critical methodology. The analysis of these trajectories is based on Pierre Bourdieu's referential combined with the Critical Theory paradigm. This contribution made it possible to perceive the social and individual subjectivity of the participants through their life stories connected with their professional life stories. It was possible to understand the influences of the University for All Program in the trajectory of students and in the training of masters and doctors, whose training was possible from Prouni. The data were organized and analyzed to get to know the interviewees, their school backgrounds, family conditions, professional choices, considering their permanence in higher education, as well as highlighting the conditions that enhanced their trajectories. It is concluded that the research can demonstrate the importance of Prouni in the democratization of access to Higher Education. Through the interviews and reports of the interviewed subjects, it is perceived that higher education was an opportunity to expand new knowledge, receive qualification and, consequently, envision social ascension.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior