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dc.contributor.advisorLima, Marília dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorLima, Elizabete Rocha de Souza
dc.description.abstractThe imposition of the goals and projects of people belonging to a socially and culturally valued group, in parallel with the submission and underestimation for the projects and lives of people from groups without any social prestige, was reflected in the formation of Brazilian society. And if, in the past, the attitude of subjugating people has caused impotence, damage, silencing and trauma in the subjugated ones, in the present, the consequences of this have not yet been fully overcome. In the school context, these consequences occasionally surface in different ways, including the learning of a language, be it a foreign language or the native one. Aware of this, the school needs to act in favor of building bridges over the abyss that separates learners from knowledge in such a way that the school moves the society to the point of breaking the social barriers of the present, repairing damage caused in the past and preventing damage in a future time. Thence, this study is based on the assumptions of Sociocultural Theory, Critical Literacy and Critical Pedagogy with the purpose of understanding how factors such as socioeconomic profile, average age group and personal learning experiences of EJA students are reflected in the process of teaching and learning English. For this purpose, a field research was developed in the second semester of 2017 and the first semester of 2018, whose scenario was, initially, two classes of beginners in EJA High School and, subsequently, the same students as graduating students in the same context. For the generation of data, instruments, procedures and methods inherent to collaborative action research were used. The results of the study indicate that the students perceived themselves as having the potential to learn English, based on their involvement in several writing and oral activities. Thus, the study showed that there was a change in attitude regarding the learning of English and the rupture of what for the participants was considered a barrier. Thus, this study shows that, through the partnership between the English teacher and the teacher-researcher it became evident that the teaching of languages or any other discipline, when contextualized, is the raw material for the learners to make connections between their knowledge of the world and the new knowledge that they wish to acquire. In consideration of thesefacts, this study argues that, in a context of liquidity of social practices and speed in the means and forms of interactions between groups, it is necessary to value the sparks of changes in the actions of those who teach or learn English. Then such changes are necessary to start something more sustainable and consistent for the life of those who need to transit or insert themselves in the liquidity of the daily practices of a post- modern society.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUEMA – Universidade Estadual do Maranhãopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectRelações sociaispt_BR
dc.subjectSocial relationsen
dc.titleO ensino de inglês para pessoas adultas : pensando em e sobre cenas de letramentos e inclusão dos alunos da EJA em cenários de práticas sociais líquidaspt_BR

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