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dc.contributor.advisorSilva, Roberto Rafael Dias da
dc.contributor.authorSfredo, Marta Luiza
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research is to analyze how teaching for Brazilian high school was being produced from the printed pedagogic published in Brazil in the second half of the twentieth century, considering the relation between state, economy and education. Such relations are marked by the emergence of precariousness, as an expression of a neoliberal economic development project, which involves the configurations of a “neobloke”, manufactured under the aegis of competitiveness, utilitarianism and individualization. The methodology proposed for this study involved document analysis, oriented by the concept of “social epistemology” proposed by Thomas Popkewitz contrasted with the theorizations by Laval and Dardot (2016). The results of the analysis pointed to the production of a “neo-teaching” for high school, based on the principle of pedagogical efficiency and curricular renewal, in terms of the excellence, based on permanent innovation and the ability of adaptation in the face of constant changes. This is manifested in the design of a “Copernican revolution” for education, positioning the student as the center of the educational process and relegating the teacher to a learning facilitator. Another dimension found was the emphasis on the construction of a new curriculum capable of orienting the pedagogical work towards “learning for life”, an expression of the development of an increasingly practical teaching. Indicatives that denote that the rationalities of neoliberal policies began to operate at the core of the teacher's activity, influencing the didactic orientations, conceived as a set of entertainment techniques that bring teaching to a pinball; of planning as a teaching strategy linked to the development of educational dynamics translated into instructional technology and the teaching objectives considered essential competences for class management. Under such conditions, the appreciation of the common as an educational principle emerges as an alternative to the economist contours that make up a “neo-teaching” for Brazilian high school.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEnsino Médiopt_BR
dc.subjectHigh Schoolen
dc.subjectEscuela secundariaes
dc.titleA produção da neodocência no ensino médio na segunda metade do século XX: entre a eficência pedagógica e a renovação curricularpt_BR

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